Thursday, May 28, 2009

A day to remember, thanks to Facebook!

Social networking has gripped young and the old alike to stay connected from wherever they are. The curiosity to be on a social networking site forced me to get into Facebook. Having done that, I don’t spend much time interacting with friends on Facebook. I just log in once a while and reply to messages if any. Most of my friends would have even laughed at me for staying so disconnected inspite of being on Facebook.

Well, it was a great surprise to see most of my friends – who I had not met for ages - wish me on my birthday. What a great feeling it was! Every few minutes there would be someone or the other wishing me through Facebook. That’s the fancy of social networking, I thought.

All of us want our birthdays to be special. But this was a very special one for me. It also helped the 'lazy me' make note of birthdays of all my friends on Facebook as the profiles give you the birth dates. I may sound like a small kid to many of you reading this. But I just wanted to share my excitement. Hope many of you might have felt the same at some point in your life.
Thank you, Facebook :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Celebrating art and culture at Bengaluru Habba

Bengalureans jumped, rocked and swayed on Sunday. The City played host to the Aero India 2009, a metallic performance by the Iron Maiden band and the much awaited annual cultural
extravaganza 'Bengaluru Habba'.

With the Valentine's Day fervor still in the air, these events played perfect venues for the loving hearts to cuddle up and enjoy while it was a perfect Sunday outing for others.

Well, it's time for more fun an frolic for connoisseurs of art and music in 'Namma Bengaluru'. The Bengaluru Habba, which kick started to a colourful start on Sunday at the Palace Grounds, will be celebrated across the city in different venues. The nine-day cultural fest will have performances including musical nites and dance performances, literary meet, plays, visual arts, performing arts and photography exhibition. Regional artistes and acclaimed names in the respective fields from across the country are sure to enthrall you through out the Habba.

The Bengaluru Habba was conceived by Artistes Foundation For Arts in 2002 in order to provide a cultural platform for artistes as well as art lovers. True to the cosmopolitan spirit of Bengaluru city, Bengaluru Habba, undoubtedly, is the best time for one and all to drown in the spirits of art and music. No matter wherever you are from, the silicon city of India offers you the right blend.

So, what are your waiting for? If you are in Bangalore, then check out the various events and performances during the nine-day cultural festival. Let's ignore the Sri Rama Senes. Let's not fear the recession ghost haunting us. Let's just tap our feet and enjoy some good music, and best performances at the Bengaluru Habba.

Time to enjoy, folks! :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

'Clutch' your love the 'slim way' !

For fashionistas and tech-savvy women in India, this Valentine's Day seems to be a special one - if they are to be pampered with gadgets as gifts by the love of their life. Wondering what am I blabbering! Well, HP is shortly launching world's first 'digital clutch' - HP Mini 1000 special edition notebook, styled by New York designer Viviene Tam. A thing of beauty that surely would be.

Today, manufacturers of electronic goods including cell phone companies are coming out with trendy and fashionable products, what with our tech-savvy women going a step further in creating a greater demand for these gadgets in the market. After chic cell phones, Blackberrys and iPods, which caught the attention of the modern day women, it's time for sleek PCs and notebooks to enter their 'wardrobe'.

Even as the eyes are still blinking at the Sony Vaio P - an ultra-compact, pocket-style PC, which was launched recently in select markets across the world, HP will soon join the race. Whether it is Sony or HP, these small beauties come with the specs that any normal notebook would come with - Bluetooth, USB ports, headphone jack, Webcam, etc.

So much for so less (less in weight and small in size) - what more can a fashionable and tech-savvy woman ask for! As I was discussing about how technology has changed our lives, and has begun to make a fashion statement, my friend, a fashion designer herself, drew my attention more towards to the HP 'digital clutch'. She said that the digital clutch is being released in red colour, blending so well with the aura of Valentine's Day (celebrated on February 14).

Well, these gadgets may slip into your pockets easily, but will surely burn holes. While Sony Vaio P series is priced around Rs. 50,000, the HP Viviene Tam digital clutch is said to be priced at just over Rs. 35,000.

These trendy gadgets are definitely a big bet when compared to teddies, flowers and cards to gift your Valentine. But is this a right time, with the recession ghost haunting us, to indulge in expensive buys. If Valentine's Day is the pitch to release the product, surely there are many lovers who will go to any extent to please their Lady Love.

So, 'clutch' your love the 'slim way' this Valentine's Day. :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Is Bollywood's dignity at stake?

Last night, I was watching the Screen awards show on television. The awards function, amidst all the glamour and glitterati, with the entire Bollywood bandwagon present under one roof, witnessed an embarassing moment when one of the awardees and the compere got into an argument.

Award functions are always filled with entertainment and comedy to enthrall the audience. At times, the comedy acts turns into 'comedy of errors' during such shows with the hosts letting their tongues too loose and annoying many.

The Screen awards honored movie makers, actors and music directors from Bollywood for the year 2008. Comedian and actor Sajid Khan, his sister Farha Khan (choreographer and producer) and actor Shreyas Talpade were the anchors at the show. The two men enthralled the audience with their humour and wit, in the guise of women at times. But somewhere their comedy lacked dignity.

Noted movie maker Ashutosh Gowarikar, who won awards for his movie Jodha Akbar, expressed his anger and concern over such cheap comedy which attacks the reputation of the film industry. Many of you, who watched the awards show, may agree with Gowarikar while some might think that he should have not made a big issue out of it. Well, I personally agree with the objection raised by Gowarikar.

Reacting to Gowarikar's objection, Sajid Khan said that in a democratic country each one of us had the freedom to express. Does that mean you make a mockery of the very industry that gave you the right platform to excel, however good the intentions may be?

As part of the 'comedy' he was enacting, Sajid Khan, at one point, tore his clothes and acted like a beggar before the stars. This act was so demeaning and nauseating. Clearly the act put together by him and Shreyas during the entire show was in poor taste.

Hope this incident serves as a good lesson to those compering shows, and realise that poor jokes and comedy may cause embarrassment or irritation to a section of the audience.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama has stepped on the path to CHANGE!

With Barack Obama assuming office as the 44th President of the United States of America, the official White House website ( has got a new design including interactive features, photo gallery and a White House blog.

A news report states that the Obama administration has created the brand new White House website to help people to be in touch with the Government. The new site also aims to help people to learn more about President Obama and his team, and about their plan to bring about the change America needs.

As you open the website, it greets you with a message 'Change has come to America'. Is this the beginning of CHANGE? Acclaimed as the first digital president of America and the world, the popularity and support Obama has received from netizens stands testimony to the fact, that, the world, including America has been looking for an open, transparent and accessible administration in the American history.

Millions of messages on the web, presence of over two million people to witness the inauguration of the 44th president of the USA, a first of its kind in the world, goes on to prove that the wave of CHANGE has begun to sweep all over.

Talking of the accessible administration, the official White House website allows visitors to e-mail the president and his staff. The site also hosts an official blog with latest news and current events and allows people to share thoughts and feedback with the President.

Television channels and blogs are full with congratulatory messages, views, discussions and debates on the very reaction of people to the inauguration of President Barack Obama. He has hogged the limelight of every publication and media in the world since his run to this powerful post. While we are all going gung ho about the phrases 'Yes We Can' and 'Change has come to America', let's hope and stay optimistic to see the true change the world's super power 'America' will bring to it own people and the rest of the world.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Air hostesses need to care from dimple to pimple!

Pimple, pimple little dot... Does it sound like a popular nursery rhyme. Well, most air hostesses might be singing the same :) Recently, around 10 Air India air hostesses were grounded for being overweight. In addition to being checked for the extra flab, they were also scanned for having pimples. Well, keeping a check on weight is understandable in this profession. But how can one control pimples all the time, which come up for various reasons - including change in diet, climate and stress. Undoubtedly, you 'fly high' as an Air Hostess because you meet the prerequisites of being tall, slim, trim and beautiful. Physical appearance scores above all. But how much to take for not getting 'grounded'.

During my visit to the US, in May last year, the women flight attendants in an American airline, that flew us between Mumbai and New York, were easily above 45-50 years and were plump to their best. They were very charming, and for a change, it was good to see older faces with natural smiles and experienced talks.

It's a pity that a bit of extra flab or a pimple on the clear faces can change the course of the career of so may young beauties. They are not as lucky as their male colleagues. Just think of it. It's not easy to stay slim, fit and beautiful. All these indirectly takes a toll on one's overall mental well-being too.

Anyways, thanks to Air India for sending a message to would-be air hostesses who will try their best to keep away the pimple dots too :)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Where's the future?

The Satyam fiasco has drawn the attention of the entire world towards India. Even as the IT major begins damage control after its chairman admitted to financial irregularities in the company, the future of 53,000 employees of the company appears to be uncertain.

While placement firms and recruitment agencies are being flooded with resumes from Satyam employees, the news that many IT companies have blocked their, has sent shivers down their spine with an uncertain future before them.

You come across any Satyam staff, uncertainty and frustration is writ large on his/her face. When you talk to them, the low tone speaks of the anger against the company and the pain of not knowing where the future lies. The top management of Satyam might be speaking of staying united and ensuring business continuity, but the 50,000 plus workers, who have struggled to build the company all these years, scream at the word unity. “We are are left alone today,” is what they are feeling.

With huge EMIs on housing loans, car loans, etc., on their heads, a majority of employees are fearing the worst in the coming days. As though the fear of layoffs and salary cuts in the present situation of economic meltdown was not enough, this incident has come as a bolt from the blue for Satyam employees.

Ultimately, now who will bell the cat! Let's wish luck and good times ahead for all the Satyam employees.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How secure are Internet parlours?

Well, it looks like the terror game is still on. But, the players may be serious ones or just pranksters. Around six IT companies in Bangalore, including giants like Infosys and Wipro, recently received e-mails threatening to blow up their facilities. The city police with the help of cyber crime cell has tracked the mails to have been sent from a local cyber cafe.

We have been hearing of big IT firms being on the hit list of terror outfits for some years now. In the aftermath of the recent Mumbai terror attacks, the question is, how seriously should such threats be considered? Should we let go of pranks of such serious nature? How safe and secure are these cyber cafes, which provide an easy platform for notorious elements to disturb peace and harmony of the nation and society by such cowardly acts? Even as we continue to find answers to these, as we have always been, such incidents keep repeating.

Getting into an Internet parlour is so easy that you are just asked to enter you name and phone number in the register. Today, with Internet browsing being available at as low as Rs. 10 per hour, any Tom, Dick and Harry with a little knowledge on using Internet can make use of these services. Among such users, how can the owner make out who is doing what when he sits in front of the computer! Entering false names and phone numbers in the register is the most easiest thing for such pranksters. And, creating an e-mail ID for such purposes is even more easy. However, it is the cyber cafe owner, from where such threat mails have been sent, is grilled by the police.

With increasing incidents like this, it is high time that even browsing centres install CC TVs or click pictures of every visitor through a web camera while registering their names. For many, this seems to interfere in their privacy, but in the interest of peace, safety and security of our society and fellow beings, let's say yes to it.

I hope, all those who read this, will, at some point, agree to what I say.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Finally, govt staff in Karnataka to become e-savvy!

Shortly, all government servants in Karnataka (India) will speak the language of computers! At last, the Karnataka government seems to have realized the need for training its staff in computer operations and make them e-savvy. According to reports in a section of the media, the state government has asked its four lakh employees to become computer literate. The catch – if the staff want promotions and increments, they have to be e-savvy. What a nice way to lure them !

It's not that all government servants are computer illiterates. A majority of officials in the IAS cadre and similar posts are highly tech savvy. So are most of the Group A and B employees, who have basic knowledge of computers. But that was not enough for a state which showcased its capital city, Bangalore, on the world map as the Silicon City of India. Somehow, they managed the show this far! However, just clicking the mouse and typing letters on the screen won't help. The government servants should pass a computer test with 75 percent marks, else they will not be eligible for promotions, the report states.

Incidentally, a press release issued recently by the office of a top police official in the city had erroneous mistakes with the liberal use of the 'F' word in the place of function. I guess, it was typed ignorantly and in a hurry by the department staff concerned. The press note which was emailed to all the newspaper offices made the department put down its head in shame and later send a corrigendum for the same. Was the person trying to show off his computer skills by sending emails or was he ignorant about his limited knowledge of English, god only knows. This incident is proof to many such mistakes in the government departments.

All said and done, let's congratulate the government for taking this initiative, at least now.

Friday, January 2, 2009

What's ahead in 2009?

Oh well, another new year? Have we had enough of new years? 

What's in store ahead?

Will I get a new "??" ;)

Shall I buy a new car?

Will I travel abroad?

Maybe, some, or all!

The past year has been an eventful one!!

Looking forward to more fun and frolic this year!

Happy New Year, everyone!