Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How secure are Internet parlours?

Well, it looks like the terror game is still on. But, the players may be serious ones or just pranksters. Around six IT companies in Bangalore, including giants like Infosys and Wipro, recently received e-mails threatening to blow up their facilities. The city police with the help of cyber crime cell has tracked the mails to have been sent from a local cyber cafe.

We have been hearing of big IT firms being on the hit list of terror outfits for some years now. In the aftermath of the recent Mumbai terror attacks, the question is, how seriously should such threats be considered? Should we let go of pranks of such serious nature? How safe and secure are these cyber cafes, which provide an easy platform for notorious elements to disturb peace and harmony of the nation and society by such cowardly acts? Even as we continue to find answers to these, as we have always been, such incidents keep repeating.

Getting into an Internet parlour is so easy that you are just asked to enter you name and phone number in the register. Today, with Internet browsing being available at as low as Rs. 10 per hour, any Tom, Dick and Harry with a little knowledge on using Internet can make use of these services. Among such users, how can the owner make out who is doing what when he sits in front of the computer! Entering false names and phone numbers in the register is the most easiest thing for such pranksters. And, creating an e-mail ID for such purposes is even more easy. However, it is the cyber cafe owner, from where such threat mails have been sent, is grilled by the police.

With increasing incidents like this, it is high time that even browsing centres install CC TVs or click pictures of every visitor through a web camera while registering their names. For many, this seems to interfere in their privacy, but in the interest of peace, safety and security of our society and fellow beings, let's say yes to it.

I hope, all those who read this, will, at some point, agree to what I say.


Anonymous said...

Internet cafes should definitely look at adding CCTV within their premises. -- PC

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