Sunday, January 11, 2009

Air hostesses need to care from dimple to pimple!

Pimple, pimple little dot... Does it sound like a popular nursery rhyme. Well, most air hostesses might be singing the same :) Recently, around 10 Air India air hostesses were grounded for being overweight. In addition to being checked for the extra flab, they were also scanned for having pimples. Well, keeping a check on weight is understandable in this profession. But how can one control pimples all the time, which come up for various reasons - including change in diet, climate and stress. Undoubtedly, you 'fly high' as an Air Hostess because you meet the prerequisites of being tall, slim, trim and beautiful. Physical appearance scores above all. But how much to take for not getting 'grounded'.

During my visit to the US, in May last year, the women flight attendants in an American airline, that flew us between Mumbai and New York, were easily above 45-50 years and were plump to their best. They were very charming, and for a change, it was good to see older faces with natural smiles and experienced talks.

It's a pity that a bit of extra flab or a pimple on the clear faces can change the course of the career of so may young beauties. They are not as lucky as their male colleagues. Just think of it. It's not easy to stay slim, fit and beautiful. All these indirectly takes a toll on one's overall mental well-being too.

Anyways, thanks to Air India for sending a message to would-be air hostesses who will try their best to keep away the pimple dots too :)


Anonymous said...

Air hostesses need to mind their tyres...

nisteja said...

it seems air india is laying emphasis over vital stats than natural charm. of course flight assistants need to be hospital and charming, but certainly not be models, who walk the ramp. they may fly in the high skies and help the passengers not feel the journey. seems air india is influenced more by material thinking than lateral thinking.

Unknown said...

Enapa idu bhayankar vishya? Good going. Whatz up next?

Anonymous said...

I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing