Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama has stepped on the path to CHANGE!

With Barack Obama assuming office as the 44th President of the United States of America, the official White House website ( has got a new design including interactive features, photo gallery and a White House blog.

A news report states that the Obama administration has created the brand new White House website to help people to be in touch with the Government. The new site also aims to help people to learn more about President Obama and his team, and about their plan to bring about the change America needs.

As you open the website, it greets you with a message 'Change has come to America'. Is this the beginning of CHANGE? Acclaimed as the first digital president of America and the world, the popularity and support Obama has received from netizens stands testimony to the fact, that, the world, including America has been looking for an open, transparent and accessible administration in the American history.

Millions of messages on the web, presence of over two million people to witness the inauguration of the 44th president of the USA, a first of its kind in the world, goes on to prove that the wave of CHANGE has begun to sweep all over.

Talking of the accessible administration, the official White House website allows visitors to e-mail the president and his staff. The site also hosts an official blog with latest news and current events and allows people to share thoughts and feedback with the President.

Television channels and blogs are full with congratulatory messages, views, discussions and debates on the very reaction of people to the inauguration of President Barack Obama. He has hogged the limelight of every publication and media in the world since his run to this powerful post. While we are all going gung ho about the phrases 'Yes We Can' and 'Change has come to America', let's hope and stay optimistic to see the true change the world's super power 'America' will bring to it own people and the rest of the world.

1 comment:

nisteja said...

change is a big word, so too is hope. hope leads to change which many often fails to measure up to hope. hope this 'change' is for real.